Episode 80: Clarify Your Message through Storytelling with Karl Becker

I think books have a purpose for an author, and mine is about impacting change, helping people take what they want, and hopefully making their life or their team’s lives better. Karl Becker I’ve been lucky to work with Karl Becker on his three books, Set Up to Win, Sales & Marketing Alignment, and Iceberg … Read more

Episode 77: Ali Shaw, Founder of Indigo Editing, Design, and More

Headshot of Ali Shaw of Indigo Editing, a smiling white woman with glasses and long auburn hair

Hybrid Pub Scout Podcast · Episode 77 – Ali Shaw, Founder of Indigo Editing, Design, and More We talk about Ali’s definition of self-publishing versus independent publishing, how Indigo is working to improve the book world, and the exciting process of learning how to produce audiobooks. Guest Bio Ali (McCart) Shaw (she/her) thinks her love … Read more

Episode 58: Ari Mathae and Denise Morales Soto of A Kids Company About

a kids company about logo

Working on collaborative books and podcasts that empower kids to talk about the big stuff. What do you do when you need to talk to a kid in your life about a difficult subject but aren’t sure where to start? Enter A Kid’s Company About, a media company built on the belief that kids are … Read more

Episode 54: Celebrating Women in Horror Month with Author Nicole Wolverton

Nicole Wolverton headshot

Nicole Wolverton takes time out of her writing, studying, and editing schedule to discuss (and recommend!) women in horror. “If you think Carrie’s scary, think about a woman who has five to six decades to foment this awful feeling of rage.” You may have seen a lot of horror stories about puberty (Carrie) and childbirth … Read more

Episode 50: Liz Gorinsky and Nellie McKesson

“Whatever role you’re in, whatever genre you’re in, find something about it to love and be passionate about because it’s going to take a lot of slow days.” In this power-packed episode, we welcome back Nellie McKesson, founder of book design software Hederis, and meet Liz Gorinsky, president and publisher of Erewhon Books, a small … Read more

Episode 46: Margot Atwell — Head of Publishing at Kickstarter

Margot Atwell Head of Publishing at Kickstarter

Kickstarter Publishing Head Margot Atwell talks crowdfunding books and money in book publishing. Artsy folks aiming to get people excited about activism: Signs of Change Campaign is active through August 31, 2020. Check it out! Margot Atwell, Head of Publishing at Kickstarter, talks with us about how a pre-order campaign on the crowdfunding platform can … Read more

Episode 43: Brian and Josie Parker Discuss the Challenges of Creating Books for BIPOC Kids

Brian and Josie Parker of Believe in Wonder Publishing in their office

Children’s publishers Brian and Josie Parker talk with Emily about staying creative while striving for justice, representation, and respect for Black lives. “The idea of picking up a book that deals with a culture or with characters who aren’t like you just seems like it’s part of the reading experience. But when you’re making the … Read more

Episode 41: Olivia Croom Hammerman Teaches Us How to Design a Book Cover

Headshot of book designer Olivia Croom Hammerman

In which we learn the elements of how to design a book cover that ups your chances at sales success. “A successful cover is basically all of those elements: the typography, the category, and the uniqueness of the story need to be held together. And it just needs to look damn good.” Olivia Croom Hammerman, … Read more

So You Want to Be an Indie Author

Contributed by Brianne Marie Robinson What does it take to become an indie author? The answer to that question depends many different things, to be completely honest. You need to go into independent publishing with the right mindset. There are three options for how to approach it: Writing for the art of it without caring … Read more

Want to get started? Book a 15-minute chat with Emily!