
Episode 65 — Katie Fairchild of Radish Fiction

Katie Fairchild talks to us about marketing for Radish and how an expertise in fanfiction informs her work.

In the final installment of our fanfiction series, we talk with a publishing professional and fan fiction expert who works in the business of serialized fiction. Katie Fairchild is a marketing associate who uses her expertise in the way fandom audiences read and interact to promote stories on the Radish Fiction app, which is primarily focused on a romance audience. We talk with Katie about the types of campaigns she runs, how serialized fiction fans interact with stories, and how her expertise informs that work.

Guest Bio

Katie Fairchild is a digital marketing professional, fandom aficionado, and lifelong book person. After graduating from Portland State University’s publishing program in 2018, she moved to New York to further her publishing career. She is currently a Marketing Associate at the digital publishing startup Radish Fiction, where she specializes in the strange and steamy world of romance marketing. When not working, Katie can be found experimenting in the kitchen, harassing her cat, or curled up with a good video game.

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