How to Work with Someone with They/Them Pronouns

Three raccoons standing side by side

You may have noticed in the signature area of my email address, or in my bio on this website, that I have the pronouns “they/them” featured along with my name. You may or may not have colleagues, friends, or family members who use they/them pronouns. (In fact, you probably do, and you might not know … Read more

Episode 67: Sustainable Publishing Distribution with Rachel Done

Rachel Done headshot for episode 67

Hybrid Pub Scout Podcast · Episode 67: Sustainable Publishing Distribution with Rachel Done Many publishing professionals care deeply about the health of society and the planet. Our industry faces many issues, but one that often feels too big to conquer is book publishing’s contribution to the climate crisis. Overprinting, shipping inefficiencies, deforestation—all this and more … Read more

Book Wars—A Full-Scale Investigation of the Effects of Tech on Publishing

Cover Image of "Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing" by John B. Thompson.

Author and researcher John B. Thompson analyzes recent publishing history’s rapid changes. Publishing methods, opportunities, and battle fronts have multiplied more over the last twenty years than ever before. Author and researcher John B. Thompson walks us through the archipelago of these issues in Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing (2021, Polity Press). It … Read more

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